Miércoles, 21 de Marzo de 2007

Visita de la AIJA

En el marco de las reuniones de miembros del Association Internationale de Jeunes Avocats (AIJA), así como también de su Comité Ejecutivo, Comisiones y Comité de Gestión, que tuvo lugar en Buenos AIres entre el 16 y 18 de noviembre de 2006, el Colegio recibió en su sede a los abogados participantes de dichas actividades de la mencionada asociación internacional, ofreciendo un cocktail.

En la oportunidad el Presidente Enrique del Carril, acompañado por el Secretario, doctor Guillermo Lipera y el titular de la Comisión de Jóvenes, Dr. Francisco Roggero, recibió a las autoridades del AIJA, quienes concurrieron acompañados de una importante cantidad de miembros de ésa entidad provenientes de diferentes países del mundo, quienes asimismo tomaron contacto con los socios del Colegio presentes en el acto.

El doctor Roggero dio la bienvenida a los jóvenes abogados. El texto de sus palabras se transcribe seguidamente:

On behalf of the Board and the Youth Commission of the City of Buenos Aires Bar Association, it is my pleasure to extend a formal welcome to the distinguished members of the International Association of young Lawyers.

Perhaps some of you are not familiar with neither Argentina’s national history.

Argentina is a relatively young nation organized as a republic after many brave battles fought by our national heroes more than two hundred years ago. One hundred and fifty three years ago, our founding fathers sworn Argentina’s constitution, and as all of you can imagine, a period of great prosperity was initiated. At the beginning of the Twentieth Century, Argentina became one of the most prosperous nations in the world; and since then, our legal community has always been concerned with the rule  of law and the supremacy of the constitution.

In that scenario, in 1913, the City of Buenos Aires Bar Association was formed by a group of eminent lawyers with a concern in public interest issues.

This association is the first association amongst lawyers and the most traditional one as well.

Since its origins, this bar association has always been conscious of the necessity of Argentina’s integration in the world and have always supported those ideas.

As I mentioned before, at the beginning of the Twentieth  Century, our  country had a privileged position in the global context but, unfortunately, that did not last for long .

The reasons for abandoning our road of prosperity was due, in many respects, to our governants who, contrary to what our national heroes had done, seeked their own personal benefits instead to the country’s, diminishing in that  way the respect four our institutions and the basic rules of law.

In that context, Argentina this last years turned its back to the world and had many social and economical crises, being the last one of them the one of year two thousand and one.

Today our country needs to return to the global world. That is why we celebrate with great enthusiasm that this Meeting of the Members of AIJA and the seminar are held in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

So I hope this event serves to convey our desire that we do not want to be know solely as Maradona’s home country, we want to be regarded as a serious nation. We want to be a country in which everybody can trust, and where it is possible to invest.

Argentina is still a country full of opportunities, and from this association we will continue fighting for our ideals of democracy, liberty and ethics, contributing (in our way) to make those opportunities available for any man or woman that wish to fulfill them. However, we need all the help we can get to enter into the Global World.

Thank you very much for coming and we all hope you enjoy your visit here in Buenos Aires. Again, Welcome!

La Hoja es una publicación del Colegio de Abogados de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires